I am a professor of sociology at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. My research focuses on questions related to immigration and immigrant integration from a (cross-nationally) comparative perspective. Specifically, I have studied ethnic inequality in the labor and on the marriage market, within and across educational systems, with respect to residential segregation as well as regarding hostile behavior towards immigrants. In order to generate new insights, I draw on interdisciplinary ideas from diverse fields such as economics, psychology, statistics or data science.
I also have a broad course portfolio ranging from introductory lectures on social structures and the sociology of migration to more advanced seminars on cross-national comparative analysis to methods courses for PhD-students.
PhD in Sociology, 2014
Universität zu Köln
M.Sc. in Sociology and Social Research, 2011
Utrecht Universiteit
B.A. in Social Economics, 2009
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
investigates trends in migrants’ educational selectivity and its impact on integration-related behaviors.
investigates educational achievement and attainment of immigrants in light of greater aspirations.
is a biannual survey of Bamberg’s populace on a variety of topics.
investigates the impact of differences in educational systems on ethnic inequality using the framework of “distributional inequality”.
Machine-readable Nazi biograms by Theodore Abel
investigate what I find interesting outside of my work using the tools I work with on daily basis.
Short tutorial on R.
Short tutorial text mining with R.
Case study to demonstrate web scraping using R.